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All-on-Four Titanium Dental Implants by Brentford Dental in Forest Hill Victoria

Having trouble with a loose plate or denture? Finding it hard eating on your full or partial denture?

The groundbreaking convenience of “All-On-Four” could be an option for you.

Using the latest technology to scan your jaw, and find the ideal locations to stabilise your denture with 4 to 6 titanium dental implants, is now available at Brentford Dental.

Dr Adam Mattsson and our team is able to use several different methods to secure the denture to implants, from a fixed option, to a clip in/out option, or a hybrid denture bar on implants solution.

Finding The Best Solution For You

Our process is to take you through the options, first checking on your bone levels, and the strength of the bone to support the implants that will hold your new prosthesis in place.

We like to say your new “All on Four″ or “All on 6″ solution is here for a long time, not just a good time, so our planning is thorough – and our approach aims to give you the best possible long term outcomes.

While you might not always be able to have the fixed denture on the implants the same day as your implants are placed, we will ensure the results will be done as early as is possible for your case – and that the solution has the best possible chance of outlasting you. We know that nobody LIKES being without their teeth – so we always have a plan for how you will be able to go to work, or carry on your normal social life, during the treatment.

Different types of Dental Implants

Most dental implants are used to replace single or multiple teeth. In the instance of an individual tooth, the implant supports a ceramic crown on top of it. That way the final restoration blends in with your smile and is non-invasive to adjacent teeth. As an added bonus, the implant helps you preserve natural spacing and tooth alignment.

For larger gaps with multiple missing teeth, we can use a pair of implants to anchor a multi-tooth dental bridge. In this case, either end of the bridge is attached onto an implant.

That way two implants can restore 3-4 teeth at a time. In addition to permanent restorations, implants can be used to stabilise a partial or full denture. That way your prosthesis feels more secure throughout day-to-day activities.

Instead of relying on gooey adhesives or pastes to keep your appliance in place, the implants allow it to snap in and out for predictable everyday wear.

What to expect from a dental implant procedure?

The first step in getting dental implants is finding out if you qualify. We’ll take an X-ray of the area to make sure there are no underlying issues (such as weak bone, locations of the nerves and sinuses or residual tooth roots).

We have an on-site scanning machine so that all imaging can be completed in our office. The 3D picture ensures that your implant can be placed in the safest and best location.

Implants take approximately three visits in total to complete. We offer sedation and special medications to help make your appointments and recovery as simple as possible. Plus, we follow up on patients after their surgery to ensure they’re doing well.

Depending on the strength of your bones and the health of your gums, the healing time after your implant placement (before the fixed crown or bridge can be installed) is anywhere from 2-6 months.

This timespan allows for the bone to integrate with your implants, making them a permanent part of your bite. Intermittent X-rays will show us if the implant has integrated properly.

If you have existing bone loss, augmentation material can be placed leading up to your installation surgery.

How much to dental implants cost?

Say you need a single implant, without bone augmentation. It typically costs $3800 – $4400* so lets use the most expensive option as the example.

  • Implant & Implant Crown: $3900
  • Prepay and you could save $390. Therefore, you pay just $3510.
  • Or put down $780 deposit, and just $130 a month for 2 years (or $120 a fortnight for a year). Note this may vary slightly depending on the finance option selected.

These great payment options are available for all treatment over $1000 – not just for implants!

If you do need bone augmentation/grafting to help give your implant a better long term prognosis, the cost varies from $300 – $450 per tooth depending on what is needed. About 1 in 10 people need this – and the CT Scan will tell us the answers.

* The costs shown include the implant crown, which is made right here in Melbourne, using authentic, original components from leading implant companies like Straumann, Neoss, Astra, Bio Horizons and Osstem.


We offer a FREE CONSULTATION and FREE initial OPG Xray, to find out if Dental Implants are right for you. If you like what you hear, we will need to take a CT Scan, which costs $190 (health fund members may have some or all of this covered by their fund).

After the CT Scan, we can give you an exact quote on your dental implants. We need to make sure there is enough bone, it’s dense enough to hold the implant long term, and that there are no nerves or sinus pockets in the way. But once the CT Scan has been done, you will have the exact cost.


Restore your smile with Dental Implants

If you’re looking for a predictable way to restore your smile, dental implants are a great option to consider.

For dental implants in Forest Hill, schedule an appointment with Brentford Dental today.

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Monday 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Tuesday 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Wednesday 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Thursday 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Friday 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Saturday 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Sunday Closed
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