
(03) 7023 0066


20-22 Brentford Square,
Forest Hill, VIC 3131
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Or call (03) 7023 0066

Emergency Dental Care

Forest Hill & Nearby Suburbs

20-22 Brentford Square, Forest Hill VIC 3131

Dental emergencies come in all shapes and sizes-some require immediate attention from our team, while others are better suited for an emergency room.

If you are bleeding from the mouth or face, we recommend visiting your local urgent care center or emergency room as medical attention may be required.

Ring us if you’re experiencing any of the following:

  • Inability to sleep from pain in the mouth that’s only gotten worse
  • Sudden facial swelling around the mouth or jaw
  • Chipped or knocked out tooth
  • Oral trauma
  • Oral infection or tooth pain that persists for more than 48 hours

It’s important to act on a problem as soon as possible to avoid a more complex procedure. Therefore, we encourage you to schedule a time with our team if you feel that you have a dental emergency.

When you come in for your appointment, you’ll see a dentist to get an examination and have your problem diagnosed. It’s important that you make your own decisions about your dental care, and we won’t pressure you in any direction. Then, we’ll proceed with treatment according to your wishes.

If you have a serious infection or your mouth is swollen, we may need to embark on a course of antibiotics first. Taking antibiotics will calm down the area so that your problem can then be effectively addressed.

What if I have an emergency outside of your office hours?

If you have an emergency while our office is closed, we recommend you go and see emergency attention at The Royal Melbourne Hospital or your nearest open hospital.

Or you can leave a message with Brentford Dental your contact information and the nature of your problem and a member of our team will get back to you straightaway when we open in the morning.

What can I do to relieve my toothache at home?

If you’re having tooth pain, we recommend trying the following while at home. Brush and floss your teeth to help get rid of anything that may be stuck between your teeth. Take an over-the-counter pain reliever-however, do not place a pain killer directly onto the gum line. Lastly, contact our practice to book a visit if the pain persists.

What should I do if I break my tooth?

Even though the enamel that covers your teeth is among the hardest surface in your body, your teeth are still subjected to cracks, chips and fractures. If you have broken a tooth, you should contact us straightaway to schedule an appointment.

If you’re experiencing severe mouth trauma and excessive bleeding, you may want to visit your local emergency room for medical attention.

If you have your tooth or the broken portion, bring it with you to your appointment as it’s possible it can be placed back into your mouth.


Dealing with a dental emergency?

The sooner you ring our office, the quicker we can get you out of pain.

For emergency dentistry in Forest Hill, contact our office to schedule.

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20-22 Brentford Square
Forest Hill, VIC 3131
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Opening Hours
Monday 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Tuesday 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Wednesday 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Thursday 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Friday 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Saturday 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Sunday Closed
We're closed on most Public Holidays.

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