
(03) 7023 0066


20-22 Brentford Square,
Forest Hill, VIC 3131
Get Directions | Opening Hours

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Or call (03) 7023 0066

Patient Education

At Brentford Dental, our primary goal is to help you maintain healthy teeth and gums in order to prevent the need for extensive and costly restoration services. We want you to live a happy life, starting with your smile!

Many of our patients realize the importance of brushing, flossing and routine dental cleanings, but few truly understand the effects that oral health, good and bad, have on the rest of the body.

We’re here to change that!

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Our goal is to empower you with educational tools

Explaining how many teeth you have in your mouth, encouraging you not to ignore dental pain, sharing ways you can prevent dental injury  and care for dental injuries are just a few of the many topics we can educate you on at our practice.

We don’t want to see you in pain, we’d much rather see your smiling face! We encourage you to call us promptly whenever you suspect that something’s wrong. 

Browse our website and enjoy the resources we’ve put together so you and your family can have healthy and bright smiles!

team in front of office

Got any questions?

Please reach out to the team at Brentford Dental and ask us anything. We're here to guide you in the right direction.

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Opening Hours
Monday 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Tuesday 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Wednesday 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Thursday 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Friday 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Saturday 8:00 AM - 1:00 PM
Sunday Closed
We're closed on most Public Holidays.
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Get Directions On
20-22 Brentford Square
Forest Hill, VIC 3131

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